FXPA Strengthens Composition, Adding Microsoft as Advisory Member

The Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) has announced the latest addition to its membership, this time adding Microsoft as its newest Advisory Member of the FX trade group, according to an FXPA statement.

The FXPA is a Washington-based organization for the foreign exchange (FX) industry that collectively represents the shared interests of brokers and market participants in the FX industry. The multinational group, along with its growing membership composition, was initially formed with the intent of advocating the interests of the FX industry to key regulators and policymakers via education, research, and transparency.

According to Tahreem Kampton, Senior Director of Microsoft in a recent statement on the membership: “We look forward to serving as an Advisory Member, helping shape dialogue with a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the industry to maintain a strong FX market.”

“A diversity of perspectives is a key pillar of our group. Our founding members represent the gamut of the FX industry – from CTAs, asset managers and pension funds, to banks, non-bank participants, technology providers, exchanges, trading platforms and clearing houses, and now we are pleased to welcome our first corporate member,” noted an FXPA spokesperson in an accompanying statement.

“FXPA represents a broad group of constituents that have come together to collectively help shape the future of the FX industry,” the representative added.

FXPA made headlines less than a week ago after adding FXSpotStream as a member of the group of FX markets participants. The news came at a time when the association had highlighted for its members the importance of reviewing their practices on ‘last look’ following .

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