The calendar is officially under one month until the kicks off. Held at the Old Billingsgate on November 12-13, the summit has managed to bring in the industry’s biggest names and executives across multiple segments.
The latest A-lister to join a diverse slate of panelists and speakers is Michael Coletta, Head of Blockchain Technology and Business Development at the London Stock Exchange Group.
Mr. Coletta will be featured in one of the most anticipated panels in the main Speakers Hall on November 13, which will focus on blockchain technology. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, make sure to for your seat today!
This year, upwards of 3,000 attendees are expected, constituting leading retail FX brokers, fintech startups, investment banks, crypto exchanges, and service providers. Mr. Coletta’s expertise in the blockchain space will be on full display throughout his panel discussion.
After the Hype, Ahead of Mass Adoption: The State of the Cryptocurrency Industry
Join this insightful session to gain first-hand knowledge on the vast complexities of the cryptocurrency industry, directly from experience-based views of crypto champions. Mr. Coletta joins other crypto specialists to discuss a wide range of issues currently facing the industry.
These include several areas of focus, including the analysis of the current state of the crypto sphere. Moreover, the panel will touch on the addition of crypto in the business model and what it means to brokers.
Tweet about the Summit with its hashtag, #londonsummit19, and we’ll feature it in our posts!
Finally, consideration will be paid to payments, regulations, & KYC when offering cryptocurrency trading to clients. What precisely are the biggest risks and opportunities will be up for debate and what to look out for and what to avoid.
Stay tuned for further details on London Summit 2019’s which will be updated daily. See you in November!
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