The Australian Government has recently passed a new bill which , a development which the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has welcomed this Thursday.
The bill called the , was approved by Parliament on the 19th of February, 2019. The reforms, which will commence from July 1, 2019, aim to significantly enhance the protections given to people who report company misconduct.
Whilst the bill covers a lot of areas, some of the key takeaways include the broadening of the definition of a whistleblower to include both current and former employees, officers and contracts. The protection granted to a whistleblower has also been extended to include their spouses, dependents and anonymous disclosures to journalists and parliamentarians in certain circumstances.
As outlined by ASIC, the bill will: “extend the protections to whistleblower reports that allege misconduct or an improper state of affairs or circumstances about any matter covered by financial sector law, as well as all Commonwealth offences punishable by imprisonment of 12 months or more.”
Whistleblowers to be Better Compensated Under New Law
The reforms also put in place civil penalty provisions, on top of the existing criminal offences, for anyone who breaches the confidentiality, victimises or harms a whistleblower. Furthermore, whistleblowers will be provided with more convenient access to compensation, should they incur any losses as a result of speaking up.
However, in Australia, whistleblowers do not receive incentives to speak out, unlike in the United States, where financial regulators like the (SEC) and the (CFTC) who provide their whistleblowers with sometimes millions of dollars in incentives.
Under the bill, a whistleblower policy will need to be established for all public companies, large proprietary companies and corporate trustees of registrable superannuation entities.
Source: LinkedIn
In July of this year, the Australian regulator’s Office of the Whistleblower will oversee the implementation of the reforms.
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