Introducing Blox Stories: Educating the Public on the Potential of Blockchain

Take a multi-billion industry built on innovation and disruptive technology, where people share their creativity and imagination in a ‘democratic’ way, now take social features and technologies that millions love and use every day and put them together! The possibilities are limitless., a  and company that aims to bridge the gap between blockchain technologies and standard accounting and tracking solutions (in other words, the old world and the new), did just that, incorporated social features from the ‘real’ world into their crypto platform, a new feature called ‘Blox Stories’.

What can Blox Stories do for you?

One the biggest challenges crypto companies face is needing to familiarize and educate users about the advantages Blockchain and other disruptive technologies have to offer over the existing solutions. When people are asked about cryptocurrencies, nine out of ten times, the first thing that comes to mind is Bitcoin, but there is a lot more to it than just a name.

The Tel-Aviv based, young company, is trying to simplify the transition into the crypto space by incorporating terminologies, functionalities and features that we know and love, trying to bridge the huge existing gap.

It will take a significant amount of time and a lot more efforts to teach people what blockchain is all about, it might never fully happen. But one thing is certain, if more projects incorporate features that are already familiar with, the crypto space will not look so alien and hostile to the newcomer.

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