On Sunday, December 1st, Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos unveiled “Prime Air” on US current events program, “60 Minutes”. The unveiling that was hyped-up throughout the week had many wondering what Amazon might have up their sleeve. A majority thought that Bezos would unveil their long-rumored Kindle Phone, only to result in a futuristic shipping method via unmanned aerial vehicles dubbed Octocopters.
The Octocopter is a small helicopter, with the ability to transport items that weigh up to 5 pounds and deliver them within 30 minutes of initial purchase. A demo video of the delivery drone was posted by Amazon shortly after the initial broadcast and has already gained over 2.4 million views on YouTube. Countless social media and news outlets have posted the video and covered the story of the science fiction like delivery drone. The fact Amazon chose to unveil the impressive delivery system that is about 5 years away, according to Bezos, the day before the busiest Ecommerce day of the year has left us wondering.
Did Bezos show us the Amazon branded helicopters for publicity, or are we really going to see Amazon packages fly over our heads in the near future? We do not have a straight answer for that, and with FAA regulations prohibiting civilian drones to fly over populated areas the notion is highly unlikely, but we do know that Amazon was all over the press on Cyber Monday…
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