The Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX) has designated Nissan Century Securities as a market maker along with its Click 365 entity, .
The TFX deals with a variety of asset classes, including FX and exchange equity margin instruments, among others. Its Click 365 FX volume .
In light of recent reports and an application back in August, the TFX completed its official designation with Nissan Century Securities today, which effectively looks to expand on FX and market-making business.
Moreover, the partnership will affect all components of the TFX, including the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Securities Exchange and other major commodity exchanges, such as the Tokyo Commodity Exchange and Kansai Commodities Exchange.
According to a Nissan Century Securities statement on the accord, “It is possible to be committed to fair price formation as a market maker. Our intention is to continue to contribute to the further expansion of further improvement, as well as market size of the soundness of the market.”
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