Following news in July that their CEO, , IG Group has announced another upcoming senior departure as CFO Chris Hill will be leaving the firm. Like Howkins, the departure isn’t immediate, with Hill slated to remain at IG until February 2016. IG is expected to use that period to conduct a search for Hill’s replacement.
Upon leaving IG, Hill will be headed to Hargreaves Lansdown plc to become their CFO. An asset manager, Hargreaves Lansdown is filling its CFO position that had been left open after Tracey Taylor left the firm earlier this year.
On the change, Hill stated, “I will be sorry to leave such a great business, but I am excited about the opportunity presented by Hargreaves Lansdown, an established FTSE 100 company. I know I will be leaving IG in robust health, with a talented leadership team and a range of initiatives which should drive growth into the future.”
Along with issuing the news of Hill’s upcoming departure, IG also stated that their current quarter is “in line with expectations.” Although not scheduled to provide a trading update until September, with both issuing poor results for June, IG’s coming quarterly release is anticipated to review how they performed.
On the news, Andy Green, Chairman of IG, stated, “We are disappointed to lose Chris, but we understand his decision. Chris has provided great service to IG over the last four years and has played an important role as part of a leadership team that has set out a clear strategic vision for IG. I have no doubt that Chris will be an asset to his future employer and I wish him the very best of luck with his new role.”
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