Exante, an investment services company offering multi-asset brokerage services, announced today the addition of emulated Good Till Cancel (GTC) orders to its portfolio. As the official press release states, the trading terminal already supports this feature.
GTC orders can be conducted both in the case of purchasing or selling an asset and are executed when the current market price coincides with the price of the order. GTC emulation support means that orders not executed during the previous day are renewed over the next session.
Orders of this type can be found on the overall list of available transactions and remain unrealized until cancelled or executed by the traders. However, some markets still do not offer support for fair GTC orders – in these cases Exante advises emulation.
According to the information made available by the company, investors may execute GTC orders in the US market – NASDAQ and NYSE exchanges. In the near future, the total number of available markets should be extended. Support for GTC emulation will be attached to those global bourses that do not include GTC in their offerings.
when the brokerage’s customers were charged by SEC for securities fraud. The accusations against the company were dismissed.
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