The Tokyo Financial Exchange has reported its December 2017 trading numbers, ending the year on a down note. The data pertains to foreign exchange and futures transactions conducted through the Click 365 and Kabu Click 365 platforms.
December total trading volume of FX Daily Futures contracts (Click 365) came in at 2,069,608, while average daily trading was recorded at 98,554. Relative to November, trading volume numbers decreased by 10.6%, while recording a 37.5% yearly decline. The most significant step back in December was endured by the USD/JPY and GBP/JPY currency pairs, which fell 29.4% and 28.5%, respectively.
Meanwhile, trading volume in December experienced even greater regression on Equity Index Daily Futures contracts through the Click kabu 365 platform, when compared to November. The monthly numbers showed total volume came in at 507,929 contracts, while average daily trading volume was 24,495, down 52.4% relative to last month’s numbers.
The Bigger Picture
While the monthly data shows declines, the yearly comparison presents a much more positive picture, as 2017’s overall yearly trading volumes were actually higher than those of 2016. Total trading volume rose 19.4% over the course of the year across various indices, including the FTSE, Nikkei and DAX. FTSE led the way with the most significant increase of 120.5%, while the DAX and Nikkei saw yearly trading volume rise by 58.5% and 22.6%, respectively. DJIA numbers are skewing the data downward, with a timid yearly increase of just 1.4%.
The Bitcoin Effect
The growing trend in 2018 is the surge of investors rushing to invest in cryptocurrencies. As reported by Finance Magnates last month, the Tokyo Financial Exchange . Although a specific time has yet to be officially designated for the launch, it is clear that the outrageous global demand for cryptocurrencies will lead to changes in the allocation of funds and consequently trading volumes across financial markets.
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