As reported to Finance Magnates, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has officially confirmed that the is a scam:
This is scam. Be careful.
— Pavel Durov (@durov)
The tweet came as a response to Twitter user @kavingchng, who asked ‘Sir, is Telegram’s ICO?” Other than this response, no one from Telegram has made any statements directly referencing
Although TechCrunch reported on earlier this month as if it were the legitimate Telegram ICO, suspicions arose as Telegram made absolutely no mention of any -related projects anywhere on any of its social media.
Additionally, some have pointed out that was registered on January 1, 2018 with Namecheap and uses the Cloudflare service, while Telegram is registered on GoDaddy and uses GoDaddy’s SSL certification service.
Over the last several days, Twitter has been abuzz with crypto community members warning each other of the scam.
SCAM alert all sites promoting telegrams proposed ICO gram are scam No announcement has been made by the company when its happening. BE WARNED
— Ross Stokes (@bitcoinexpertz)
A Seemingly Sophisticated Ruse
The erie thing about the scam is that it really seems to be legitimate–the website has a well-designed front end, a relatively well-written whitepaper, and does appear to have been collecting ETH in exchange for the ‘GRAM’ tokens that will “power” the fake blockchain, the Telegram Open Network, or TON.
Typically, are marked by badly designed websites with tons of spelling mistakes, and are easy to spot.
It’s not yet clear who is responsible for the elaborate scheme, or where they might be based– lacks any sort of information as to how to contact anyone involved with the project, though it does list the real-life members of the Telegram team under the ‘Our Team’ section of the site.
Despite the lack of an officially dedicated announcement or tweet decrying, Telegram does seem to be aware that the fake ICO is one in a series of scams related to the company circulating on the internet. Pavel Durov posted this tweet in late December 2017:
Attention: Telegram publishes its official announcements only at . Everything else is most likely scam.
— Pavel Durov (@durov)
Finance Magnates on two of them yesterday in addition to–a website called ‘’ and an email scam offering GRAM tokens (which don’t actually exist in the first place) for $0.15 apiece.
It’s not yet known exactly how many people have lost their tokens to any of the Telegram related scams. In the meantime, please be aware that as cryptocurrency becomes an increasingly normal part of our everyday lives, crypto-related scams may continue to become increasingly difficult to identify.
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