Heightened volatility has brought a wave of new traders into the trading markets, as well as revived interest in previously dormant investors. However, when the threat of COVID-19 subsides and volatility leaves the major currency pairs, could emerging market currencies keep traders in FX for longer?
Emerging market currencies are known for their volatile nature, regardless of COVID-19, and although have liquidity issues and other unique traits, for traders who are looking for volatility, are EM currencies the answer?
Market analysts weight in on emerging market currencies
Next week, we’ll speak with top market analysts from around the world to discuss the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 on emerging market currencies and the economies they represent, and the interesting opportunity they present for the foreign exchange industry.
This coming Tuesday, July 14th at 15:00 CET (13:00 GMT) Finance Magnates is joined by our three speakers – Alistair Schultz, Charalambos Pissouros and Stephen Innes, who are all top market analysts from a range of brokers, spanning Australia, Asia and Europe. They bring their unique views and understanding of the range of EM currencies across the world.
There are a limited number of free spots still available for attendees. and register (it’s free!) now to secure yours.
Meet our speakers
To discuss this topic, Finance Magnates has handpicked the panellists to discuss the broad topic of emerging market currencies and their role within the FX space. A range of topics will be discussed – the coronavirus pandemic, the upcoming United States election, changing regulation and a range of geographies and currencies.
Throughout his career, he has coached many an aspiring trader, including the iconic footballer Tim Cahill. At the core of Alistair’s teachings is a philosophy that every person has their own personality and therefore their own way of trading.
His approach is a blend of both fundamental and technical analyses. Charalambos became a Certified Financial Technician (CFTe) of the International Federation of Technical Analysts, after being rated top-of-the-class during his studies and excelling in the STA diploma exams with distinction.
The panel will be moderated by Celeste Skinner, FX Journalist, at Finance Magnates.
Limited spots are available – don’t miss out!
Want to know whether emerging market currencies can be the saving grace of FX? Then this panel discussion is perfect for you and will give you an invaluable opportunity for you and your company to stay abreast of the changes and opportunities available within this space.
This free event promises to be packed with valuable insight and commentary on what’s to come, the impact of COVID-19, and more. We’d love for you to come and bring your questions, comments, and insights.
to register yourself (and your friends!) as attending.
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