Encrypted messaging platform Telegram is finally closing the test network of its earlier proposed blockchain called TON, putting an end to the highly ambitious project.
In an update published on Monday at the website of TON, the team highlighted that it will end the support for the blockchain test network on August 1, 2020.
“We are discontinuing our support of the test network of the TON Blockchain. Our remaining validators will be switched off not later than 1.08.2020,” the team managing the testnet noted. “Please save all relevant data and terminate your testing process.”
However, if someone still wants to continue testing on the blockchain network, they can do so by installing the testnet validators.
SEC vigilant on the established platforms launching a blockchain
Telegram raised over a billion from investors via an initial coin offering (ICO) in early 2018 for the launch of a blockchain network on its existing messaging platform. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), however, raised a red flag on the project for violating securities law in the country, as according to them the company distributed unregistered securities in the ICO.
After SEC’s injunction and delaying the launch of the blockchain twice, Telegram finally gave up on its blockchain project last May and converted the ICO investments into a loan option for a year.
Telegram also against the court order as the legal complexity was getting worse, affecting the launch.
In a settlement deal, the US regulator on Telegram and requires the social network to disgorge nearly $1.2 billion to refund its ICO investors.
Meanwhile, the Russian authorities recently after two years, due to the messaging app’s wide usage in propagating messages.
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