The US Securities and Exchange Commission has stepped in to halt Telegram crypto ambition, alleging its “two offshore entities” have conducted an illegal $1.7 billion…
Posts published in October 2019
Coinbase Pro Launches Mobile App for iOS Users
US crypto exchange has launched a mobile application for its professional trading platform Coinbase Pro. Announced on Thursday, the exchange extended its support to mobile…
CFTC Chairman: ETH is a Commodity, ETH-Based Futures Expected
United States Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Heath Tarbert has determined that Ether (ETH) is a commodity, and therefore that it falls…
GAIN Capital Appoints John Rhoten as a Class II Director
GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. announced through a regulatory filing this week, that it has made some changes to its senior leadership, by appointing John Douglas…
Performance-Based Marketing in Crypto: Prospects & Best Practices
The cryptocurrency space has become an industry worth many billions of dollars, it wasn’t too long ago that Bitcoin, many of the altcoins, and a…
InfiniGold Launches Crypto Backed with Government-Guaranteed Gold
Australia-based fintech firm InifiniGold has announced that it will be launching a gold-backed digital token on the Ethereum network. The gold backing the token will…
Tullett Prebon Enters into £15.4 Million Settlement with FCA
TP ICAP plc, announced this Friday that its subsidiary, Tullett Prebon (Europe) Limited (TPEL) has entered into a £15.4 million settlement with the (FCA). The…
Metal Pay Backers Launch $1 Million Crypto Venture Fund
Marshall Hayner and Erik Finman, the duo behind Metal Pay, has launched a $1 million called Metal VC to invest in blockchain startups. Reported by…
Binance DEX Lists XRP-Pegged Token to Increase Market Liquidity
Binance has listed an XRP-backed digital token XRP-BF2 on its decentralized exchange Binance DEX, the exchange announced on Thursday. It is the second crypto pegged…
OpenFin Partners With BNP Paribas for FX Platform
OpenFin, a financial technology company, announced on Friday that has built and deployed its single dealer FX platform, Cortex LIVE, on the OpenFin operating system.…