The (LSEG) announced on Friday that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). Together, the exchanges will work towards creating a dual listing route for .
Furthermore, LSEG and NSW will potentially launch ELITE – LSEG’s business support and capital raising programme for quickly growing companies. This is expected to go live in India in 2019.
MoU Aims to Dual List Masala Bonds on The NSE International Exchange
For Masala bonds, the London Stock Exchange is the leading international listing venue. So far, the exchange has listed 46 Masala bonds, raising more than the equivalent of $5 billion. The partnership aims to dual list these bonds also on NSE’s International Exchange and NSE IFSC Limited.
Source: Business Standard Private Ltd.
“Dual listing of Masala bonds would enhance visibility, increase liquidity in secondary markets and enhance efficiency of price discovery for Masala bond issuers. This would also reduce the cost of raising capital for all issuers and encourage the participation of a wider variety of issuers in the masala bond market.”
Nikhil Rathi, the CEO of London Stock Exchange Plc and Director of International Development at LSEG added: “We are honoured to welcome Vikram Limaye, CEO of National Stock Exchange of India and Shri MK Das, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Government of Gujarat to London Stock Exchange today.”
“Today’s MoU signings demonstrate LSEG’s and NSE’s commitment to promoting the interconnectedness between the UK and Indian capital markets, supporting global awareness of the opportunities that exist in India’s first international financial services centre, GIFT City, and championing the development of the country’s SMEs.”
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