Huobi, the third largest in the world, has announced on Friday that it has launched its Huobi Cloud platform. According to the statement, Huobi Cloud will allow users to build digital asset exchanges using Huobi’s existing platform.
The Huobi Cloud platform aims to enable its partners to quickly build secure and stable exchanges. To achieve this, the company will rely on Huobi’s existing exchange platforms. This will provide its partners with the ability to set up over-the-counter (OTC) and currency exchanges with minimal IT infrastructure needed.
Partners of Huobi will be able to share the order integration system, wallet system, asset management and clearing system of the Huobi Global platform. At the same time, they can connect to the depth, liquidity, and market data of Huobi Global.
Through the Huobi Cloud platform, the company wants to establish autonomous, efficient and transparent digital asset exchange clusters to “empower financial services and liberate global wealth”. The company states it is happy to work together with any parties interested in promoting the blockchain industry.
Huobi’s ambitious plan
The Huobi Cloud platform is not the only initiative from the exchange. In fact, the company has spent the past five years developing its platform to achieve its ultimate goal – to develop the blockchain industry.
Earlier this year, the company took a big step towards this goal. In June, that Huobi had announced its most far-reaching plan yet – the ‘Huobi Chain Project’.
The goal of the new initiative is to create a public blockchain which is completely open. Eventually, the company plans to migrate to the blockchain because, at the moment, Huobi’s exchange is centralized.
Huobi was founded in 2013 and is the third largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of traded volume. The company has in Singapore, the US, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.
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