Eva Kaili is a Greek member of the European Parliament, representing the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), and a former television news presenter. As Chair of the Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) panel she is in charge of investigating the potential for new technologies such as artificial intelligence, fintech and blockchain.
The MEP sat down to talk today with Finance Magnates about her views on the future of the technology in Europe. The interview was broadcast live and a video recording is available :
We discussed the current pitfalls of current cryptocurrency solutions, voting via blockchain, the role of banks in the economy of the future, the possibility of regulating away the irreversibility of bitcoin transfers, a timetable for creating regulations for ICOs (initial coin offerings), and more.
In May Kaili organised an event to promote awareness of digital ledger technology at the parliament building in Brussels titled: ‘Spotlight on blockchain: A new generation of digital services’.
The tone set by the organizer was very positive on the potential for both cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to disrupt the prevailing economic system. As : “If a bank does not think blockchain is in competition with fiat currency then they likely do not understand it.”
They discussed how blockchain technology can revolutionize finance, intellectual property rights, democracy, energy, supply chains, smart contacts and more.
Earlier this year the European Commission announced that it intends to launch a call for tender for a service contract to set up an ‘’, with an estimated budget of €500,000 over a period of two years.
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