Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a focused on Ethereum development, has announced the addition of over eighty-six new members. These include both established financial installations and blockchain startups.
Julio Faura, chairman of EEA and head of Blockchain R&D at Santander expressed: “The enthusiasm around EEA is remarkable. Our new members come from varying industries such as pharma, mobile, banking, automotive, management consulting, and hardware as well as the startup community driving innovation. It’s great to see everyone come together and build the next generation of our economy on Ethereum blockchain solutions.”
The new members of EEA include Access, Adapt Forward, Alchemy Limited, AlphaPoint, Antony Welfare, Aquarius Capital Management, AutoBoard Systems, Axcent LLC, Bancor, BigchainDB, Blk Technologies, Blockchain Hub Limited, BlockCypher, Brian Ray, Broadridge, CareChain, CCA, Clause, Clearmatics Technologies, Clozer Technologies, CoinFund, Coinplug, ConsenLabs, Consensus Base, Couger, CryptoMKT, CYPHA GmbH, Dapps.ai, Datarella, DeliverThat, De Cooperatieve Rabobank U.A, Deloitte, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), DigixGlobal, Dinosaur Dog, ElectricChain, Elevondata Labs Inc., Etherisc, Fundacion CTIC Centro Tecnologico, Gem, Global Consent Limited, Global Trade Guardian – LexEcon Consulting Group, Hashed Health, Hijro, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Infosys, InGauge Trading Technologies Inc., Ian Pilon, Infrachain Asbl, Intelligent’er Re’Development, ING, iPaynow, Jiangsu Huaxin Blockchain Research Institute, Kaula, Ledger, Libra, Melonport, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, MME, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Model Communities Association, Musicoin, National Bank of Canada, Noah Perius, Nordic Alliance, NXN, Parkview Ventures, Qingxin Technology, Red Chalk Group, Samsung SDS, San Francisco Stock Exchange, Smart Contract Japan, SmartU Electronics Trading L.L.C, State Street Emerging Technologies Center, Synechron, Taishin Financial Holdings, Taiwan FinTech Association, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Toyota Research Institute, TraderLynk Ltd, Trust Stamp, UNLP, Utocat, Vanbex Group, Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, and Zerocoin Electric Coin Company.
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