Fake emails purporting to be from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have been sent to thousands of potential market participants around the world, according to an FCA statement.
The mass email scam appears to be from webmaster@fca.org.uk. The regulator also has alerted investors to another fake email entitled “FCA Regulation 2017” which appeared to be sent from press.office@fca.org.uk.
Typically, the fraudsters use special software to make the message appear genuine. Recipients are often invited to click on a link that appears to take them to the watchdog’s website. Instead, they go to a false website that tries to steal sensitive information of those targeted, which can be used later without their knowledge to commit fraud or so.
In a notification on its website, the FCA recommends that recipients should delete the scam emails without opening. FCA has provided details on how to identify spoof emails in a dedicated section on its website.
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