Thomson Reuters has reported its February average daily volumes (ADV) of FX trading on its electronic trading platforms. Figures include activity on its Matching, FXall and Thomson Reuters SEF platforms. During the month, total FX ADV were $355 billion, 10.8% below January, and fractionally lower than the $357 billion figure posted in the same period in 2014. In Spot FX trading, ADV dropped 15.6% from January to $114 billion. The volumes were 9.5% lower than the the same period in 2014.
The volume decline was similar to results from other trading venues such as the CME, EBS and Hotspot, which all recorded greater than a double-digit drop in month-over- month activity. The decline in February comes as volumes failed to match trading that took place in the volatile January period which included the Swiss franc’s record currency volatility triggered by the Swiss National Bank.
Overall results are slightly below trailing twelve month average volumes at Thomson Reuters. Over the past year, total FX volumes have averaged at $367 billion compared to $355 billion reported in February, with Spot FX at $117 billion compared to the $114 billion figure being reported today.
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