Soft-launched earlier this year, Bitstamp has officially launched their new TradeView web-based trading platform. The bitcoin trading platform uses HTML5 technology from ChartIQ, a charting provider for the financial industry. The new platform provides users the ability to draw technical analysis directly into their charts as well as open and close trades from the platform.
One of the older bitcoin exchanges, Bitstamp has a strong user base from Europe but has been considered to be lacking in features necessary to accommodate active traders. This is due to them lacking trading options other than the BTC/USD as well as having offered simpler charting and open-order interfaces compared with competitors. The launch of TradeView can be considered to at least solve the interface issue as ChartIQ’s technology is used by like eToro and Leverate.
About the trading experience, Nejc Kodric, CEO of Bitstamp, stated, “As a leader in Bitcoin trading, we’re committed to providing our traders a best-in-class experience. By partnering with ChartIQ, we were able to deliver a complete trading interface, including technical charting and trade execution, all built in HTML5. The ChartIQ technology was easy to customize and integrate in to our user. The new responsive HTML5 trading interface works seamlessly across desktop and touch devices, allowing traders to stay connected to the markets wherever they go.”
Also commenting is Dan Schleifer, co-founder and CEO of ChartIQ: “Bitstamp is pushing the envelope of user experience in trading systems, bringing sleek, modern design and advanced functionality to the world of Bitcoin. The new TradeView platform is a perfect example of what customers are building with our HTML5 charting technology.”
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