As the industry is increasingly nearing a saturation point, a new player is demonstrating its versatile solution to this problem. While weather forecasts are widely available, there is some merit to attract opportunistic customers to place bets on an every day phenomena that is a part of their daily life.
That said, the offering that the creators of the will be showing at the iFX Expo next week is not necessarily just a new tool to cater to the betting habits of that part of the worldwide population that isn’t interested in financial markets, rather it’s a way to demonstrate the flexibility of the new product that the company will be offering for licensing to brokerages which choose to sign up for it.
The Binarystation platform is made in a way that essentially allows the brokerage into which licenses to integrate data feed. According to a press release issued by the company, every client can select from a variety of different offerings like Bitcoin trading, local stock indices or interest rate products.
With the independence of the brokerage, it will also have to take on board some additional functions such as depositing and withdrawals, as well as processing of account opening applications. In return it will have full control over its offering – taking on the responsibility for its reputation and the management of its own risk. The platform does not involve revenue sharing, however there is a licensing fee and fixed monthly technical support charges, which are not dependent on the volumes generated.
Forex Magnates’ reporters have exclusively obtained screenshots of the upcoming demonstration by the company. The displayed binary options below are related to the real- time temperature changes in London. Be sure to visit the in Limassol next week if you are keen to know more about this and many other exclusive products to be demonstrated this year.
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