Addicted to super fast news? Then you are in the right place! Forex Magnates’ breaking news just got better with the introduction of the Snippets service.
Forex Magnates introduced today a new feature which allows an even quicker delivery of news from the forex industry: Snippets. Our editorial team will be breaking the news to you on a ticker box running at the top of our homepage, as well as RSS feed and mobile app, as soon as news hit the wires.
In a nutshell: Our , and mobile app will deliver news REAL TIME, literally within seconds.
What is a Snippet: There are two types of Snippets.
- Short industry update which is interesting enough for some of our readers but does not justify a standalone article.
- Breaking News, such as public company reporting, which will immediately be released to our readers in a short Snippet format and later on will be followed by a more detailed article. This way you get the most essential part released to you REAL TIME while more detailed analysis will follow later.
What is changing:
- will now see both Snippets and the usual full articles in their current feed. Those interested in full articles only can switch to an which doesn’t include snippets.
- Mobile users will get an updated app early next week (Android first) which contains both feeds. You can choose which feed you prefer as well as control push notifications where you can select between: All (snippets + full articles), None, Breaking News and Main News. Standalone Snippet pushes will have [Snippet] in front of the title so you’ll know not to click on them (since standalone Snippets contain no further text).
- Website users will see a Snippets ticker added on top of every page and clicking it will take you to a . Blue Snippets contain links to detailed articles, black ones are standalone Snippets.
* RSS feed users will sometimes notice duplicate posts. This is on purpose. Since in certain news cases we will be releasing a fast Snippet first and a detailed post later, you will notice that in the RSS feed two items about the same subject may appear. The latest one chronologically is the one containing a detailed post link.
We look forward to continue delivering you industry news – better and faster than ever. Breaking the headlines as we receive them will add one more flavor to the experience that our readership is already getting. As we launch this new feature, you are welcome to so we can continue improving.
Example of mobile app (Android) News feed where you can see both Snippets and full articles with standalone Snippets colored in black and Snippets linking to detailed articles in blue.
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