The Moscow Exchange (MOEX) has announced its trading volumes for the month of April, highlighted by a massive downturn in forex volume , according to a MOEX statement.
FX Turnover Volume in Retreat
During the month of April, overall turnover totaled $1.17 billion (RUB 41.7 billion), compared with $1.19 billion (RUB 42.4 billion) in April 2013, or -1.7% YoY. However, in terms of forex market turnover, April yielded $521 billion (RUB 18.6 trillion), a staunch decline from $644 billion (RUB 23.0 trillion) in March, corresponding to a -19.1% drop MoM. Despite this waning however, market turnover for forex still has boasted a 22.4% rise YoY from April 2013.
Indeed, 2014 has been a mixed bag for the MOEX thus far, given the spikes in volatility surrounding the diplomatic breakdown between the Ukraine and Russia – this in turn led to a surge in forex volume during the first quarter of the year. MOEX has also been in the news recently for , as technical errors were seen as the culprit.
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